Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for showing interest in admitting your child to AdarshVikasVidyalaya at Phulwarishariff Patna.
Nothing is more important than the choice of the right school for your child and this prospectus provides you with a glimpse of what our school has to offer.
Many learned philosophers have been beautifully emphasized on primary education because it is the basic need of a child to grow his/her all round development i .e .body mind and soul I and for this the age between 3 and 12 is very much important as prime period for them.
Education is the essence of human life which distinguishes us from all other creations of the Almighty. The light of education illuminates the dark and ignorant corners of human life ,So learning is considered as an excellence of wealth which none can destroy and which cannot be attained by chance .It must be sought for with order and pursued with diligence.
Our aim is not only to provide the students only intellectual education (which influenced by head) but also to nourish them with values based education (influenced by heart). In fact education that does not train the heart can be dangerous. Education that builds fundamental traits of character Such as honesty, compassion, courage, persistence and responsibility is absolutely essential. So I would stress more on values education than that of academic education.
So it is right time to look after your child properly and nourish her/him carefully only then we can expect a bright future for them as well as the Nation.
I am sure that every child admitted to school will find the general environment warm, friendly and supportive as well as an atmosphere which breeds co-operation and trust.
With Best Wishes
Principal Adarsh Vikas Vidyalaya